For many, the least endearing aspect of cat ownership is cleaning out the litter box. However, there are a number of cat litters on the market designed to make the job easier.
Whether you need something that clumps, covers up smells or is all-natural there are options in this list that will help you to find what you need. Many options also come in multiple sizes, just in case you need enough litter for more than one feline friend. Read on to find the cat litter that is ideal for your pet and to go along with their best cat litter box.
Comparison Chart
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Best Cat Litter Reviews
1. Fresh Step Clumping Cat Litter
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Fresh Step is known to be one of the less expensive cat litter brands on the market today. It’s ideal for those who want a balance of pet-friendly features and a price that won’t break the bank. With clumping features and a 20lb box, you’ll have plenty of litter to last.
Product Highlights
Though it strives to steer away from the use of perfumes, this Fresh Step litter does work to get rid of nasty smells associated with the litter box through the use of activated carbon. This helps to keep your cat and your nose happy. It’s also designed to clump around wetness, making the waste easier to remove. This particular style is offered in a 20lb box, which may last you quite a while if you have a single cat or make for a great regular litter in multi-cat homes.
What’s to like about the Fresh Step Clumping Cat Litter
Clumping litter is known to make scooping much easier on the user. It’s also fantastic if you have a sifting-style litter box that can hold onto the clumps to throw away. The absence of added perfumes is great for cats that may have sensitive noses, as it can cause sneezing or sometimes even skin allergies. The same is true for dust, which can be irritating to both you and your cat. The great odor control without a reckless use of perfume makes this product worth a look.
What’s not to like about the Fresh Step Clumping Cat Litter
Litter that sticks to the paws of your cat can become a problem, because cats will try to pick it out themselves. Not only can this cause a mess due to them flinging bits of litter, but it can also be unhealthy for your pet to swallow. It’s also important to make sure you clean out the litter box frequently because this litter can get tough to clean out of it gets too wet.
- checkNo irritating scents
- checkNo dust
- checkGreat for multi-cat households
- It may sometimes stick to the cat’s paws
- In some cases, it can stick to the litter box when wet
- Some customers still notice a fragrance though it is labeled “unscented”
[amazon link=”B0784SW995″ link_ title=”CHECK LATEST PRICE ON AMAZON.COM”]
2. sWheat Scoop All-Natural Cat Litter
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For those who prefer the all-natural option, this litter is right up your alley. It’s made for those who want something easy, effective and completely biodegradable. It may be a litter more costly than some non-natural option, but also offers a higher level of convenience.
Product Highlights
Without adding any unwanted perfumes or dyes, this litter is still capable of trapping the scent of waste until you’re able to remove it. Removal is also easy with the biodegradable feature, which also means you’ll be able to flush the litter and waste rather than add another trash bag to the pile to carry out. When you want something great for you, your cat and the environment then this is a fantastic option.
What’s to like about the sWheat Scoop All-Natural Cat Litter
Most standard litter winds up in a trash bag, being added to the garbage heaps. That’s unfortunate because your cat’s waste is biodegradable, so why not use a biodegradable litter as well to give the planet an easier time. You’ll also be able to flush the litter, giving you an easy method for cleaning up after your cat that is Earth-friendly. Without any extra perfumes, this is also going to be a method that is great for your cat.
What’s not to like about the sWheat Scoop All-Natural Cat Litter
With natural options, there can be some concessions that have to be made. For example, it’s the chemicals in other litter options that allow them to cover smells and clump well. Because this litter doesn’t include those chemicals, it may not clump as easily and you may have to scoop more often to avoid smells permeating your home.
- checkEco-friendly and fully biodegradable
- checkFlushable for ease
- checkHolds in odor well
- Some customers find that it doesn’t clump well
- In some cases, it may not cover odors as well as other options
- It may sometimes become difficult to remove if too wet
[amazon link=”B011O359UW” link_ title=”CHECK LATEST PRICE ON AMAZON.COM”]
3. Scoop Away Scented Cat Litter
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If you want a litter that clumps well and focuses on covering scents, then this is a fantastic option. While it is on a higher pricing tier than other options, it offers a high level of convenience in return. With multiple easy-to-carry packages, you’ll be able to get all the litter you need without having to lift heavy bags.
Product Highlights
This litter is different from others in that it comes in separate 9.5lb packages. You can order just one package, or you can order up to four bags in a package. That means it’s going to be easier to lift, rather than dragging around a 20 or 40lb bag or box. It’s made to clump very tightly so that scooping is easy and includes an Ammonia Shield that is made to give you extra protection against unwanted odors.
What’s to like about the Scoop Away Scented Cat Litter
While it may not be the least expensive or most natural, this litter is effective, customers claim that it clumps very well, which makes efficient scooping a lot easier. The smaller bags are easy to use, which is great for those who may not be able to handle heavier containers. The additional scent also works to block odors so that you don’t have to worry about the smell of waste in between scooping sessions.
What’s not to like about the Scoop Away Scented Cat Litter
This is one of the more expensive litter options, so it’s important to be aware that you will be paying a bit more than other options. The litter can also stick to your cat’s paws, which is not great for your home or your cat’s digestive system as they try to clean it out. You may also find that you don’t like the added scent, so it might be worthwhile to try a small amount out prior to making a larger purchase.
- checkThe small bags are easier to carry and use
- checkCovers up odors well
- checkClumps well for easy scooping
- In some cases, the litter can stick to cat paws
- Some customers don’t enjoy the scent
- There may be more dust than is preferable
[amazon link=”B0747R2NBK” link_ title=”CHECK LATEST PRICE ON AMAZON.COM”]
4. Ever Clean Extra Strength Cat Litter
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EverClean offers you an affordable way to get greater quantities of litter in an effective way. It’s not the most inexpensive option, but offers the ability to cease the growth of bacteria and smells. It’s also made to clump well so that you can get the greatest value for your money.
Product Highlights
You’ll be able to get this litter in both 25lb and 42lb options, allowing you to either have plenty to last or be able to cover for multiple cats. It’s unscented but uses activated carbon to keep smells in check so you won’t have to worry about it permeating the house. You’ll also get the benefit of an antimicrobial agent that helps to stop any bacterial growth that can otherwise occur in a litter box.
What’s to like about the Ever Clean Extra Strength Cat Litter
The larger packages are excellent for those who have multiple cats or just want something that will last a long time. The unscented formula is also great for avoiding irritation or allergies that can come from additional scents. At the same time, it does offer the extra strength to help you with blocking smells and bacteria, the price is a little more than other options but it also has a lot to offer in return.
What’s not to like about the Ever Clean Extra Strength Cat Litter
Something that can cause a lot of trouble for customers is that clumping litters can become troublesome if they get too wet. Which means that if you don’t stay on top of scooping, then the litter can start to become cement-like and highly difficult to get out of the litter box? This can sometimes also cause problems with the litter sticking to your cat’s paws after use.
- checkThe dust in this litter is minimal
- checkFights odors very well
- checkClumps well for easy removal
- Some customers find that the clumps can break easily
- In some cases it can stick to the litter box when wet
- It may have more dust than is preferable for some customers
[amazon link=”B003VNKNXW” link_ title=”CHECK LATEST PRICE ON AMAZON.COM”]
5. Arm & Hammer Naturals
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This is a middle-of-the-road litter that can help to keep smells away while maintaining a natural environment. It’s made to absorb liquid very well while avoiding dust and chemicals. If you’re looking for the ease of natural litter with the abilities of those more chemical in nature, this is a great way to go.
Product Highlights
A natural litter can be a great way to avoid chemicals, clumps attaching to your cat’s paws and intense perfumes. It’s made to offer low dust and the ability to absorb a lot of liquid. Many of us are familiar with Arm & Hammer as a baking soda that we may use to help avoid scents and keep food fresh. It works in this litter to keep waste smells at bay so that you can maintain the litter box without suffering.
What’s to like about the Arm & Hammer Naturals
The natural aspect is fantastic and brings hope that you can clean up after your cat without chemicals and perfumes. These things can, at minimum, be irritating to your cat. They also render any waste within the litter non-biodegradable. On the other hand, natural litters like this can re-join the environment in a healthier way.
What’s not to like about the Arm & Hammer Naturals
The main problem with natural litters is they just don’t offer the ability to cover scents and clump as well as regular litters. That can mean you have to scoop more often or just empty the litter box altogether to avoid a buildup of moisture and smell. Due to the lightness of the particles in this litter, it can also easily wind up all over the house.
- checkThe scent of this litter is very mild
- checkMany customers experience no dust
- checkCan ease allergies for either you or your cat
- It can sometimes be messy
- In some cases, it may not clump as well as expected
- Cats can sometimes dislike the texture of this litter
There are a couple of key features that make for quality cat litter. The first is the ability to clump well, because this can make the job of cleaning up after your cat a lot easier. Secondly, the ability to cover and trap waste odors is highly important, as it helps to keep the unwanted smells from stinking up your home. Below, we’re going to go into what to look for in a great cat litter.
Key Feature 1: Clumping
Most cat owners prefer to scoop litter the majority of the time rather than changing out the box completely. This can help to save money on litter and reduce litter that is wasted. Litter that clumps well makes it easier to remove the bits of waste because it draws in the litter around any moisture. A good litter will have harder clumps that don’t break apart easily, that way you don’t end up leaving bits of waste behind in the litter box.
It is important to make sure you scoop regularly, because many of these litters can become very difficult to clean out if the litter gets too wet. For those who aren’t into scooping, then clumping ability can sometimes be more of a hassle than a help.
Key Feature 2: Odor Control
This concept mostly speaks for itself. No one wants the waste smells from the litter box getting all over the home so it’s important to get a litter that does a good job of keeping it trapped until you can scoop. Sometimes you can use a scented litter without a problem, but in other cases the added perfumes can irritate your cat. It may not be good for them to breathe in so closely in general. Perfumes also don’t trap the smell so much as try to mask it, which may not always work so well.
A good cat litter will offer a balance between trapping odors well without an excess of perfumes that may irritate you or your cat. Activated carbon and baking soda can also be useful ingredients to block smells. If you’re trying out a new litter, whether it’s natural or perfumed, make sure to keep an eye on your cat and make sure it isn’t irritating them.
Cat Litter F.A.Q.
What Is The Best Kind Of Litter?
The ideal cat litter would be something natural, with a fine texture that clumps well. A natural litter is going to be safer for your cat and resemble something they might use outside. The finer texture plays into this as well. In the wild, cats often prefer loose soil or sand and they can be very picky about the texture in some cases. Once you find a litter that works well, it’s also best to stick to it as much as possible to avoid any problems. Changing litters can result in allergies if you move from scented to unscented, or you may find that your cat begins to refuse to use the box.
What Kind Of Litter Box Should I Use?
This is largely going to depend on the preferences of your cat. Some cats will be fine with covered boxes that might be more suitable to your tastes while others may be extremely picky and prefer simple litter boxes with no lid. It may help to try out a variety to find out what your cat likes best. There are also automatic-cleaning litter boxes but the noises from those can make your cat uncomfortable. Whatever you choose, the most important aspect is to make sure it’s cleaned out regularly. Typically, open boxes with plenty of space that doesn’t make your cat feel trapped is going to be a great option. Also, make sure you have plenty of litter boxes for the number of cats you have.
What If My Cat Won’t Use The Litter Box?
Cats can be very picky, so it might mean that they aren’t a fan of the litter box or litter. If you’ve changed either recently, then try to go back to the old setup and see if that fixes the problem. While it is a little less common, not using the litter box can also be a symptom of a health issue such as a bladder stone or UTI. Always make sure to get your cat checked out of the problem can’t be solved by a litter or litter box change. It’s better to find any potential health problems early so that they can be easily remedied.
How Often Should I Scoop/Change The Litter Box?
To keep the work to a minimum, it’s a good idea to scoop your litter box every day. You may also want to clean it out entirely once per week, though this can differ depending on the kind of litter you use. Even if the litter isn’t soiled, it can still lose odor control power over time, or there can be waste at the bottom of the box that hasn’t been cleaned out. If you prefer to not scoop, then changing out the litter box every two to three days would be a good idea, depending on how much litter you use at a time. It is also greatly advised to keep the litter to an average, not too much as you don’t want them stepping into their best cat house and scatter all over the interiors.
Can I Flush Cat Litter?
Most cat litters should not be flushed or put down any drains, because the pieces can clump together in the pipes and cause a block that is difficult to get out. There are some natural litters that can be flushed, but always make sure to ask or look for a statement on the package that says it’s safe to be flushed. Otherwise, it’s best to throw it away in a garbage bag. This will save your plumbing from any potentially serious problems or just learn how to properly dispose cat litter. You also might want to check out some of the best cat litter box enclosure to keep your litter and litter box, clean and neatly maintained.
For this article, the top cat litter choice is the Scoop Away Scented Cat Litter. It comes in convenient, smaller packages that are easy to lift and use but you can order multiple packages for multi-cat households. While it is a little more expensive than other options, it’s very convenient and works well to cover unwanted smells. It’s also made to clump well so that you can easily clean it out.
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For those who don’t want to spend as much, the Fresh Step litter is also a great choice. It comes at a lower cost and offers a decently sized 20lb package. It’s made to clump and also doesn’t include any perfumes that can irritate your cat.